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香蕉朱古力雞蛋仔 Banana Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00豬隊友大雞脾 Whole Chicken Thigh
$49.00抹茶朱古力雞蛋仔 Matcha Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00紫菜肉鬆雞蛋仔 Seaweed with Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$61.00鹽燒紫菜粟米雞蛋仔 Seaweed with Sweet Corn Egg Puffs
$50.00雙重芝士雞蛋仔 Double Cheese Egg Puffs
$61.00伯爵茶朱古力雞蛋仔 Earl Grey Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00抹茶黑糖麻糬雞蛋仔 Matcha Brown Sugar Mochi Egg Puff
$67.00咖啡朱古力雞蛋仔 Coffee Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00芋泥肉鬆雞蛋仔 Mashed Taro with Prok Floss Egg Puff
雞蛋仔 Egg Puffs
原味雞蛋仔 Original Egg Puffs
$34.00粒粒朱古力雞蛋仔 Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$36.00香蕉朱古力雞蛋仔 Banana Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00芋泥肉鬆雞蛋仔 Mashed Taro with Prok Floss Egg Puff
$68.00抹茶雞蛋仔 Matcha Egg Puffs
$39.00咖啡雞蛋仔 Coffee Egg Puffs
$39.00紫菜肉鬆雞蛋仔 Seaweed with Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$61.00豬柳蛋雞蛋仔 Sausage with Egg Egg Puff
$47.00抹茶朱古力雞蛋仔 Matcha Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00雙重芝士雞蛋仔 Double Cheese Egg Puffs
$61.00鹽燒紫菜粟米雞蛋仔 Seaweed with Sweet Corn Egg Puffs
$50.00手作芋泥雞蛋仔 Handmade Mashed Taro Egg Puff
$54.00伯爵茶雞蛋仔 Earl Grey Egg Puffs
$42.00咖啡朱古力雞蛋仔 Coffee Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00芝麻雞蛋仔 Sesame Egg Puffs
$36.00抹茶黑糖麻糬雞蛋仔 Matcha Brown Sugar Mochi Egg Puff
$67.00伯爵茶朱古力雞蛋仔 Earl Grey Chocolate Chip Egg Puffs
$49.00金沙奶黃雞蛋仔 Salted Egg Yolk Custard Egg Puffs
$61.00奶黃雞蛋仔 Egg Custard Egg Puffs
$41.00黃金雞蛋仔 Salted Egg Yolk Egg Puffs
$55.00雙重檸檬雞蛋仔 Lime and Lemon Egg Puffs
$42.00法式檸檬芝士雞蛋仔 Lemon Tart Egg Puffs
$61.00抹茶紅豆雞蛋仔 Matcha Red Bean Egg Puffs
$49.00香蕉雞蛋仔 Banana Egg Puffs
$41.00麻辣肉鬆雞蛋仔 Mala Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$55.00芝麻肉鬆雞蛋仔 Sesame with Pork Floss Egg Puffs
$55.00芝士豬柳蛋雞蛋仔 Sausage with Egg and Cheese Egg Puff
$57.00黑糖麻糬雞蛋仔 Brown Sugar Mochi Egg Puff
$61.00薄荷朱古力雞蛋仔 Mint Chocolate Chips Egg Puff
格仔餅 Waffles
原味格仔餅 Original Waffles
内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物奶油 | Includes peanut butter, condensed milk, sugar and margarine.$34.00原味金莎醬格仔餅 Original Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒 | Includes chocolate hazelnut spread and italian chopped hazelnut.$42.00抹茶格仔餅 Matcha Waffles
内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物奶油 | Includes peanut butter, condensed milk, sugar and margarine.$45.00咖啡格仔餅 Coffee Waffles
内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物奶油 | Includes peanut butter, condensed milk, sugar and margarine.$45.00伯爵茶格仔餅 Earl Grey Waffles
内陷有花生醬、甜奶、白砂糖及植物奶油 | Includes peanut butter, condensed milk, sugar and margarine.$47.00抹茶金莎醬格仔餅 Matcha Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒 | Includes chocolate hazelnut spread and italian chopped hazelnut.$53.00咖啡金莎醬格仔餅 Coffee Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒 | Includes chocolate hazelnut spread and italian chopped hazelnut.$53.00伯爵茶金莎醬格仔餅 Earl Grey Chocolate Hazelnut Spread Waffles
內餡有金莎朱古力榛子醬及意大利榛子粒 | Includes chocolate hazelnut spread and italian chopped hazelnut.$55.00
炸物 Fried Foods
花枝丸 Cuttlefish Ball
$24.00鹽酥雞腿串 Salted Crispy Chicken Thigh
$30.00豬隊友大雞脾 Whole Chicken Thigh
$49.00杏鮑菇 King Oyster Mushroom
$16.00長洲大魚蛋 Jumbo Fish Ball
$24.00珍寶日本蟹柳棒 Jumbo Imitation Crab Stick
$24.00咖哩大雞髀 Curry Whole Chicken Thigh
$51.00雞軟骨串 Chicken Cartilage
$16.00司華力腸 Cervelat Sausage
$30.00香菇豬肉燒賣 Pork Shao Mai with Mushroom
$24.00鴛鴦地瓜QQ球 Sweet Potato Balls
$24.00香酥甜不辣 Tempura